Dynamo WorkFlow Documentation
This document provides an overview of the relevant dependencies, plugins, and properties required for building a custom application using the Dynamo workflow. It includes a detailed structure for each Dynamo module, terminology used, technologies integrated, sample use cases, and guidelines to get started.
- Java 17.x
- Maven 3.8.x
- PostgreSQL 12.x
- Dynamo Utils
Relevant Dependencies, Plugins, and Properties
org.camunda.bpm.springboot:camunda-bpm-spring-boot-starter-webapp:7.21.0 Provides integration between Camunda BPM and Spring Boot, allowing you to manage and deploy BPMN processes within a Spring Boot application.
spring-boot-starter-data-jpa A utility library specific to the Dynamo platform, excluding the Spring Boot Web starter to keep the module lightweight.
org.postgresql PostgreSQL JDBC driver for connecting and interacting with PostgreSQL databases.
io.hypersistence:hypersistence-utils-hibernate-63:3.7.4 A utility library that enhances Hibernate capabilities, particularly for JPA and Hibernate users.
com.fasterxml.jackson.core Core Jackson library for processing JSON in Java, allowing for JSON serialization and deserialization.
com.fasterxml.jackson.module Adds support for Jakarta XML Binding annotations, enabling the seamless integration of XML data with Jackson
Module: dynamo-workflow
Module Introduction
The Dynamo workflow is designed to handle specific tasks in the overall process management system.
- DAO (Data Access Object): Objects responsible for accessing and managing data from the database.
- DTO (Data Transfer Object): Objects that carry data between processes.
- Entity: An object representing a domain model, usually persisted in a database.
- Service: A layer responsible for business logic and operations.
- Task Manager: Component responsible for managing tasks within a process workflow
Technologies/3rd Party Libraries
- Camunda BPM: For workflow and decision automation.
- Spring Boot: Application framework for building the service layer.
- Hibernate: ORM tool for database interactions.
Sample Use Cases Implemented/That Could Be Implemented
- CamundaProcessManager: Provides common functionality using Camunda.
- Entity Generator: The service parse and save the JSON and save the JSON in ProcessDomainEntity
- ProcessService: Provides concrete methods and abstract methods .
Getting Started
- Clone the repository:
git clone git@github.com:Breezeware-OS/dynamo.git
- Navigate to the module directory:
cd backend/dynamo-sdk-lib/dynamo-workflow
- Build the module:
mvn clean install